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Safer Botox injections in Coventry

Undergoing safer Botox injections in Coventry

Botox injections in Coventry are a popular form of anti-ageing treatment designed to help ease the signs of facial ageing such as lines and wrinkles.

Botulinum Toxin, the substance used in muscle relaxing injections, is safe and has been used in other areas of the medical field for over 25 years.

Muscle relaxing injections in Coventry have the ability to relax the muscles temporarily by interrupting signals from the nerves supplying these muscles; this is made use of in cosmetic medicine and anti-ageing treatments to reduce lines and wrinkles in the face and neck.

Why choose Botox?

Botox injections in Coventry are a popular and effective way to reduce lines and wrinkles from forming.

Commonly seen between the eyebrows, in the forehead, around the temple region, bridge of the nose, around the lips and neck region, the muscles that cause these lines can be relaxed thus reducing the appearance of ageing facial signs.

Botox injections at APSARAS Clinic

The Botox injection treatment involves injecting Botox directly into the muscles in several precise locations using a disposable syringe.

The toxin makes the muscles relax, resulting in the visible smoothing of the skin wrinkles and lines on the treated areas of the face.

Areas of the face which can be treated with Botox injections include:

  • Glabellar frown Lines
  • Horizontal forehead Lines
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Radial lines at the base of the nose
  • Smoker’s Lines
  • Horizontal ‘Necklace’ Lines (on front of the neck)

What is the difference between Botox and fillers?

Unlike dermal fillers – which are a form of anti-ageing injectable treatment designed to plump the skin and fill creases in the skin – muscle relaxing injections are used to ‘freeze’ existing lines, as well as reducing new wrinkles from forming.

Commonly – but incorrectly – called Botox (which is actually a brand of muscle relaxing injection product, rather than a treatment) muscle relaxing injections are non-surgical and widely available across the UK.

Where to have them

APSARAS Clinic in Coventry offers muscle relaxing injections to male and female clients from across the Midlands region.

A full consultation – which is free for new clients – is required prior to treatment to ensure clients have a full understanding of what this form of anti-ageing injectable can achieve, as well as the risks and complications associated with it.

Generally, treatment with botox injections is considered a very safe and reliable form of anti-ageing skin rejuvenation, however, it is still a medical treatment and the correct precautions should be taken.

Get Informed

Book a consultation to learn more about treating lines and wrinkles with Botox in Coventry. We can advise you over the phone or on email if you have any questions about the treatment or the clinic itself.