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What Are Dermal Fillers Used For?

Treatments using dermal fillers at APSARAS Clinic

Some of the most popular forms of cosmetic treatment these days use dermal fillers. In fact, at our clinic, this type of injectable now accounts for a large amount of the treatments we give.

At APSARAS Aesthetic Clinic in Coventry, we help treat both male and female patients of all ages, skin types and conditions.

In this week’s blog, we will be looking at the primary uses for dermal fillers and discovering why injectable anti-ageing treatments like this are becoming more and more popular.

If you would like more information about undergoing anti-ageing treatments such as dermal fillers in Coventry, please click on the Contact Us page and send an email for a member of the team to answer.

What is a dermal filler?

There are lots of different types of dermal fillers. The primary use for this type of injectable is to smooth and fill lines and wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, and mouth.

In most cases, these types of injections are used on their own, however some patients choose to combine them with other injectables – such as muscle relaxing injections and volumisers – to get the specific result they require.

Who is suitable for dermal fillers?

Both men and women can be candidates for facial fillers. Whether or not you are suitable to undergo this kind of anti-ageing treatment can only be determined during a consultation with a Doctor.

We offer free 30-minute consultations to all new patients. So if you are keen to find out more about dermal fillers it’s worth contacting us and booking a consultation.

How long do dermal fillers last?

This entirely depends on how much product you have injected and what product your doctor recommends. In most cases, the results of facial fillers tend to last around 12-18 months.

What happens after that?

If you wish to maintain the plumper and fuller appearance you will need to undergo the treatment again. Maintaining this treatment has a long-term cost, so consider that before undergoing any procedures.

Can dermal fillers rival plastic surgery?

No non-surgical treatment can rival the long-term results of plastic surgery. Non-surgical anti-ageing treatments like dermal fillers are designed to provide natural-looking results, and in some cases can keep ageing signs at bay. They often reduce the need for long-term solutions in the immediate future.

Who should I trust to perform this type of treatment?

We only recommend patients undergo injectable treatments of any kind with a registered medical professional. At the clinic, we only have cosmetic doctors who administer injectables like this.

They might be non-surgical but they are always regarded as medical treatments, and it is not advised you trust a beautician or hairdresser with such treatments.

If you would like more information about dermal fillers in Coventry please contact us at Apsaras Aesthetic Clinic, or use the treatment pages to gather more information as part of your research before undergoing treatments.