Rid Yourself of Joint Pain With The Help of Ostenil Plus Treatment
Rid Yourself of Joint Pain With The Help of Ostenil Plus Treatment
Joint pain and stiffness can be an extremely upsetting thing. You can find yourself unable to join in activities that you once enjoyed, and even have difficulty with certain aspects of your work life too. You may have already tried various forms of treatment from pain relief to acupuncture with no success but have you considered Ostenil Plus treatment.
Ostenil Plus is a non-surgical treatment that aims to produce relief from symptoms of osteoarthritis (a stiffening of the joints which is a common form of arthritis). Osteoarthritis occurs when synovial fluid, which lies between the joints, breaks down and is not replenished fast enough. Ostenil Plus works by stimulating the production of synovial fluid so that the body can speed up the replacement of the fluid. Ostenil Plus treatment involves injecting the solution – that includes hyaluronic acid – directly into the space between the bone joins. Providing relief to the joins and restoring the balance between the break-down and restoring of synovial fluid.
Ostenil plus treatment has some obvious benefits for those who suffer with osteoarthritis as it provides short term relief from the stains and pain that osteoarthritis can put on suffers, whilst also helping to restore balance between the break-down and restoration of synovial fluid. Therefore providing patients with short term relief, this can improve their condition in the long term at the same time.
Patients may experience some dulling in discomfort instantly following Ostenil Plus treatment, but this will improve over the following 24 hours and the effects of the treatment can last for up to 6 to 12 months after treatment.
Due to Ostenil Plus’s non-surgical and minimal invasive natural, the risks involved with treatment are minor. The only known risks involved with ostenil plus treatment is the chance of contracting infection. This is extremely rare and isn’t an issue that you should encounter if you are undergoing treatment with an experienced and trained professional – which is always strongly advised. Patients may experience some swelling and a heated sensation to their joints following treatment as the solutions settles in the space around the joint. These sensations should fully subside within a couple of days following treatment and leave patients able to enjoy their new found freedom they have gained as a result of Onstenil Plus treatment.
Dr.Thevendra is a cosmetic doctor at APSARA Clinic, Coventry, and has extensive knowledge and experience with Ostenil Plus treatment.
“Pain due to osteoarthritis can be extremely uncomfortable and put a huge strain on suffers daily lives. Ostenil Plus treatment gives patients a chance to free themselves from the constrictions put on them by their condition whilst improving the level of discomfort they feel long term,” explains Dr. Thevendra.
“Patients should still take their time when considering their options before making the decision to undergo treatment. I would suggest anyone considering this to conduct their own research into the treatment as well as consulting a cosmetic professional such as myself in order to make the best possible decision for them.”