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Treating Adult Acne At APSARAS Clinic


Finding an aggravated and red spot on the face is not a pleasant experience, but having a whole mass of them is even worse, especially if we take pride in our appearance. You may have paraded shops, buying and trying every skincare product you can possibly find, or spent many visits at the doctor’s being prescribed creams and tablets that just won’t cut it.

Are your spots now affecting your life and your self-esteem as well as just your skin and you don’t know what else to do? Well it’s time to zap those spots goodbye and say hello to smooth, fresh and healthy skin.

What causes Acne?

Acne is a common skin condition that often affects teenagers and young adults of both sexes. The pimples can range from mild surface blackheads and whiteheads to red and inflamed spots or cysts. They can have long lasting effects which may result in sore red blotches and even scarring. The main influences of acne are hormones, oily skin, bacteria and inflammation. Most outbreaks start through stages of puberty as this is when your hormone’s start to produce. A hormone called androgen causes the sebaceous glands to enlarge, which is perfectly normal, but when they become over stimulated is when acne appears. Over stimulation of the sebaceous glands causes it to produce extra oil which mixes with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells. The extra oil effects this normal process and makes it clog up which, in turn, causes acne. As the glands clog more bacteria is produced and when this happens, naturally, your body will send an army of white cells to attack the infected area, which results in inflammation. Stress can also cause this to happen too.

How can I get rid of it?

Keeping your skin clean is most definitely important each and every day, although this may not prevent spots from occurring or spreading. You should aim to wash the skin twice a day with a mild soap or cleanser and moisturise if skin tends to be dry. There are many types of treatments available to calm acne. But acne is highly unique in each person that suffers with it and so treatments to suit your specific type of acne will vary.

If antibiotics or prescribed creams aren’t helping then perhaps my range of skin treatments could be the answer for you. We have non-surgical treatments for spots and blackheads, adult acne and usually averaging from 2-6 sessions.

How do I know what’s right for me?

Booking a consultation is the most important part of a patient’s journey as it gives me a chance to listen to your concerns and advise the best treatment to suit your needs. During this relaxed one-to-one session we will carry out a skin assessment and discuss your options in detail.

New patients always get a free 30 minute consultation and for existing customers, all appointments start with a mini-consultation and update. An appointment can be booked by phoning (024) 7 669 3700 or via email at info@asparas.co.uk