Rosacea, Age Spots.. Tackling Uneven Skin Tone
Rosacea, Age Spots.. Tackling Uneven Skin Tone
Recent studies have shown that an uneven skin tone can actually be more ageing than lines and wrinkles, and a whole host of products have since hit the market to help us achieve an even colouring.
But what do you do if your problem is more than just a few ageing sun spots?
Facial birth marks such as port wine stains can be hugely distressing and are difficult to cover, even with the heaviest makeup. Equally, the skin condition rosacea – usually characterised by severe facial flushing – has a very negative impact on patient’s self esteem.
Rosacea appears to be quite common, and is estimated to affect up to 1 in 10 people. It most commonly affects people with fair skin, but can also occur in people of Asian and African origin. It occurs in both men and women and may occur at any age. However, it typically begins after the age of 30. Middle-aged women are more at risk due to hot flushes caused by the menopause.
Whilst it is possible to achieve temporary coverage of the problem using Mineral Make-Up, these days more and more people are turning to the use of pulsed-dye lasers to achieve a permanent solution to the problem.
Pulsed-dye lasers emit concentrated doses of high-energy laser light, which is then converted into heat, destroying blood vessels under the skin while leaving both the epidermis and adjacent healthy tissue unaffected. It’s effective in the treatment of fine wrinkles, rosacea, psoriasis, keloids, stretch marks and vascular lesions such as port wine stains and spider veins.
During the procedure, a wand-like device is moved across the skin. You should expect only minor discomfort with minimal side effects such as short-term redness and slight bruising; make-up can be worn after your laser treatment.
For optimum results, three to four procedures are required, spaced four to six weeks apart. More information on booking a consultation for skin rejuvenation can be found on our treatment pages.